Just Listen

“Some don’t even try to know Me. They think it’s too difficult because they are watching others.”

Be still … 

And listen … 

And know that I am God. 

Some praise Me but they do not know Me. Some worship Me but they do not study My word. Some study My word but they do not apply it to their entire life, only some of it. Some don’t even try to know Me. They think it’s too difficult because they are watching others. Some are strong but only within, not without, so that others might see My glory shine upon them and be saved. Some witnesses are devout, but only in public. Some pray daily to me, but hardly listen.  

If we sometimes find ourselves in these words, let’s correct the course. 


2 thoughts on “Just Listen

  1. Love this! Such a personal message and feels right on time. It is so easy to get caught up in life and minimize our relationship with God, but I don’t want that. This is a true reminder to be prayerful, consistent in character no matter the circumstances and to trust God will speak to you and lead you in the right direction.

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