I prayed for the box that the enemy had placed him in … to be shattered.

As soon as I woke up on the morning of 6/23/23, I had a prophetic vision with two parts. 


I saw the face of a man. His face was dirty and his hair was disheveled. He appeared to have been been sweating and was shaking, uncontrollably, it seemed. He was totally enclosed inside a light-colored wooden box that looked like an extremely narrow coffin. All I saw was his face, and I could tell that the box was totally surrounding him, to the point that he could barely move. Even though it seemed as if he had been left to die in a remote landscape where no one could find him, apparently, he was still breathing. The coffin’s planks were maybe an eighth of an inch apart, so he could see outside of the box yet was trapped inside. His skin tone was light, and he had dark hair and features. Honestly, he was very handsome and looked as if he could easily be a model. 


In the second part of the vision, I saw the same man’s face, but this time he was not in a box. His face was clean, and his hair was combed. He was standing upright, smiling and laughing. Furthermore, the man was no longer shaking, or fearful, or anything of the sort. The atmosphere around him was sunny and pleasant, and his countenance was cheerful.


Immediately, I began praying for this man. I initially prayed as if he was a real person who was actually in grave danger. My friend Melinda pointed out to me that perhaps he didn’t have anyone in his family to pray for him and so God chose me to pray instead. Who knows? I prayed first for rescue, for divine favor to be discovered where he was hidden, for healing, and for freedom. 

My second thought was that this entire vision may be symbolic. The face could be real, but the visions may be symbolic, with spiritual meanings—messages from God. The Bible tells of many times when God delivered messages through dreams and visions; He still does this today.

I continued praying but this time from a spiritually symbolic point of view. I prayed for the box that the enemy had placed him in, indicative of affliction, grave trouble, or sickness—forcing his life to be at a standstill—to be shattered. I prayed that whatever was keeping him bound would be destroyed because it was keeping him practically paralyzed in his current position, which seemed dire. I earnestly asked the Lord to bless him such that he would break free, for the chains that obviously held him to be loosed. His enemies had planned his demise, but check this out:

You planned something bad for me, but God produced something good from it, in order to save the lives of many people, just as he’s doing today.

Genesis 50:20 CEB

Perhaps, in the second vision, God was assuring me that He had already freed this man. More likely, He was showing me that the smiling, clean face, along with the brightness of his new atmosphere, represented the situation the man could be in, the results that could be—depending on his or someone else’s prayers. God does not force Himself upon anyone. How would you like it if someone had to force the person you love to love you back? No, that’s not how the Creator of the universe rolls.

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6 NLT

I read something recently that said we should either worry or pray, but not both. God’s instructions make this crystal clear:

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.

Philippians 4:6 NLT

Here’s the solution for anyone who feels as if they’ve been placed in a box—discouraged, stressed, bound:


God’s word says if my people would humble themselves, and pray … then I will hear … forgive … restore … (II Chronicles 7:14).


Whether the man in my vision is real or not, I believe there are many who can related to him and his situation.

Do you know anyone who may relate to this vision? Is it you?

  • Perhaps you feel as if everything is closing in on you, as if you were in a box.
  • Perhaps you feel entrapped, and you don’t see a way out. 
  • Perhaps you are nervous and uncertain about some things in your life. 
  • Perhaps you have been involved in something you are uncomfortable with, or that you know is wrong, and you don’t feel clean, spiritually.
  • Perhaps you look good on the outside, as if you have it all together, but on the inside you are distraught, maybe even depressed.
  • Perhaps you can see beyond your circumstances, but your feet feel mired in their current position.
  • Perhaps you are scared and ‘shaking’ and don’t know where to get help from or how to ask others, or God, for help.


And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

I Peter 5:10

God is a restorer. He strengthens you to be a repairer of the breach (Isaiah 58:12). He is a way maker. He parts seas. He raises people from the dead. He heals incurable diseases. There is absolutely nothing and no situation that He cannot handle. 

I pray in this moment that all who find themselves bound would soon be described in the following manner:

  • No longer bound
  • Completely set free
  • With chains broken
  • Surrounded by the marvelous, miraculous light of Christ
  • Smiling, genuinely, more often than not
  • Falling into the arms of the Heavenly Father, over and over
  • Looking to Jesus as both Savior and Lord
  • Rejoicing that the Holy Spirit guides every part of your life


What are your thoughts after reading this post? Please comment and let me know, and I encourage you to share with others. Grace & peace.

Photo by Lars Nissen, LN_Photoart on Pixabay

2 thoughts on “BOUND

  1. Thank you for sharing these visions and interpretations. It is a great reminder that without Christ, we are all bound. In our western society it is easy to feel free but actually be horribly bound. Gos has so much planned for us if we only accept the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In God we have true freedom.


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